ich just read the 47 states accept paper postal voting..._Well,there may be differences in terms of frequency "RED,blue" state,area country...old,young people.BUT one thing had to be similar across US America :mail dropping letters. I think between 15 and 25 october 60% of the letters should have been sent (date postmark)...20% before and a maximum of 20% in the last week before the election.
These deadlines for the postal votings had to be similar in all US states...minimal differences city ,country may be the maximum...
IN states like california ,new york,new yersey (blue) or missouri,kentucky ,tennesse etc(red) where is already clear before each election who wins...the letters should be 90% correct - makes no sense to cheat here...
Thje tendency of the incoming regular letters to be correct can be seen very well ...The receipt stamps on the envelopes must be distributed similary everywhere...IF in texas,new york ,kentucky only 10% (for example) have an entry stamp of november 2020 ,in the swing states only 10% can have (a maximum 12,13%) can have a entry stamp november 2020.
pennylvania,georgia,Wiscoins,michigan - new york ,new yersey...Why should a democrat in safty new york,new yersey go to mail election post at a different time than in the first -mentioned swing states...makes no sense,the tendency had to be identical in terms of dates...
CONCLUSION* texas,florida,new york ,the swing states...the number of letters with november 2020 postmark had to be the same percentage for all letters ...a maximum of 2,3% differenz...
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