The Truth about the Modified China Virus
"Its past time for some hardcore truth about the China Virus and Democrat inspired Mob Violence. Americans are living through the biggest government malfeasance in U.S. History as Marxist Democrats keep citizens in a coma locked in their homes and shutting down our once great economy.
Americans are living through the longest period of government malfeasance in U.S. History. The China Virus put U.S. cities into a coma followed by the perfect storm when a black criminal, under the influence, resisting a legal arrest was murdered by a white cop. Democrats Marxist Terrorist Groups were paid to spring into action.
Never before have Democrat Marxists been able to implement their diabolical plan to "transform" the U.S. using Obama's template, fully supported by mentally deficient Joe Biden. Millions of small business were forced to close without any valid reason.
Anti-God, anti-America, anti-Constitution, anti-flag, anti-national anthem, anti-white, racist Democrat terrorist groups aided by mind-numbed indoctrinated white guilt puppets began rioting, looting, burning, destroying, raping and murdering innocent victims unopposed by Democrat "leaders"
Democrats chose to help Big Businesses who financially support them stay open while closing "mom & pop" Patriot's businesses all over America. Democrats threw millions of people out of work needlessly to help finally destroy President Trump and promote useless Joe Biden.
Democrat Marxists like Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Marxine Waters, "Sandy" Cortez (AOC), supported by RINOs like MItt Romney, along with other Republican cowards have joined together in the Deep State Swamp to slander President Trump and attack him like crazed hyenas, cleaning up a kill, like savage jungle beasts.
The Democrat LOCKDOWN is using Marxist governors and mayors, many of them incompetent black females, as their mind-numbed TOOLS to help them destroy the economy with arbitrary mandates designed to spread fear. Any resistance is met with legal threats & unconstitutional arrests.
The only thing that can stop this Communist madness and save America is a Patriot insurrection at the ballot box in November, because nobody in government, including Congress, the Supreme Court, Attorney General Barr, DOJ/FBI or law enforcement will do what is right and necessary to save America from Obama/Biden and their Communist Puppets, antifa, Black Lives Matter Organization, and the complicit FAKE NEWS media.
Pray to God, the Democrats are not successful in cheating Joe Biden into office, because if they do, the great American experiment will be over forever, and Democrat Marxist Nihilist Racists will destroy the greatest Nation in the History of the World."_Mr. Veritas
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