James Woods @RealJamesWoods .......
Understand that “ballot harvesting” is how the Democrats stole the House of Representatives in 2018. It is pure, unadulterated voter fraud. Between #BallotHarvesting and a #Census that includes illegal aliens, Republicans simply cannot get elected in 2020.
Laura Ingraham @IngrahamAngle .........
Warning to all who care about voter fraud: This Pelosi voting provision MUST NOT be allowed in the final relief package!
The Question that needs to be asked...
!!!!! Why was the citizenship question ever removed and why did OBAMA do it? !!!!!!
Trump To Issue Executive Order Adding Controversial Citizenship Question To Census | Zero Hedge https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-11/trump-plans-issue-executive-order-adding-controversial-citizenship-question-census