Zero Hedge reports the British army has released a list of warning signs for "extreme right wing (XRW)" that includes describing yourself as a patriot, or making inaccurate generalizations about the Left. ( I just completed a 3 month investigation into what's uncritically called "far-right" and released the final installment of a 20-part series today. Get the data to make the case that Patriots are not racists.

  • They're creating a new narrative because they don't want us to ban Islam. 

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    • Tell anyone spewing those lies Jesus does not tolerate liars!

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      • I thought this description of the modern day conservative very good: 

        "The modern American Right advocates Constitutionally limited government and promotes individual freedom, equality under the law, and meritocracy. Protection of citizens is considered the primary duty of government, and appreciation for those who serve the country toward that end in military and law enforcement capacities is very strong. Free enterprise — as opposed to bureaucratic management — is considered both morally and functionally to be the best way to manage the economy."

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        •  ???

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